關于雅思考試各位還有好多疑問,所以【雅思培訓機構(gòu)天津】 今天就為大家匯總了關于雅思考試各位考鴨的常見疑問,趕緊收下這份答案吧~做好充足準備,速度屠鴨,加油~~
Many people say that it is not good to memorize the answers in
speaking test. But what is the right way to prepare for it?
What you can do is prepare to do different things – practise explaining,
describing, arguing, disagreeing, etc. The best way to prepare is by talking,
though. Make sure you speak as much as you can, so that you feel comfortable and
natural speaking in English.
How to overcome the tensionin IELTS speaking test especially when
talking to a foreigner?
the best way to overcome tension is to do something many times. Talk to
foreigners if you can. If you can’t, talk to Chinese friends or classmates. Ask
them to give you a mock IELTS test, with all three parts of the test. Do this
again and again. If you have done the test 10 times at home, it will be much
easier in the real exam.
always feel frustrated and confused, because I think thesequestions are quite
hard to generate answers in part 3, Could you give me sometips?
Listen to the questions and give your answer. As you do this think about
what else you can say: You can explain your answer, 【天津雅思封閉輔導機構(gòu)】perhaps with examples. You
can expand your answer with more details. You can rethink your answer, giving
the other side of the question.There are many ways to generate answers, but the
only important thing is to keep generating good English!
Q:考了這么多次,我總是差了那寶貴的0.5啊,到底寫作5.5 和6分的區(qū)別在哪里! what's the difference
between the band 5.5and 6?
A: 這...同學先冷靜...其實很多*考生的問題在于他們沒有完整的回答寫作任務2中的問題!還有什么呢?請看下去然后告訴我們你中了幾個...
In China, the reason many candidates fail to reach band 6 is that they
don’t answer the whole question in task 2, they have spelling or grammar errors
that make reading the answers difficult or they are using language that is too
simple. You can read on the band descriptors what you have to do to get a band 6
or higher for each of the bands. You can learn about the band descriptors
Q:都說要做到聽說讀寫全面發(fā)展,可是我的口語和寫作的發(fā)展速度總是跟不上閱讀和聽力啊,愁死我了都...老師你怎么看?would you
tell me how toimprove my speaking and writing when my listening and reading is
good enough?
A:你并不是孤單,這是大多數(shù)*考生的通病.對于口語和寫作這兩大主觀題部分,請練習做到 create your own English!
The most important thing is to be active. Many students try to improve
speaking by listening more or by learning more words. The important thing though
is to actually speak! Make yourself speak as much as you can and practice
writing essays. The more you use English, the easier it will be to keep using
Q:老師求好的寫作結(jié)構(gòu)!還有各路輔導書中推薦的寫作模板我該不該用啊?Are there any recommended
structures for the writing? There are manyielts guide books and some of which
give us some templates and structures.Could I use them when I write my
A:當然可以用,但是要做到妙用: Yes, you can use a general structure. However, try not to
use a template that gives you long passages to remember. Many students use these
templates and it is very obvious when they have been used – especially if the
examiner has seen it 10 times already.
Use a structure that gives a logical way to answer the question. Don’t
memorise whole sentences in a structure however, just words, phrases and the
general structure itself.
Q:N or F or NG,
作為一個選擇障礙患者,每次遇到這種題真的是欲哭無淚了,求助!Do you have some advice to
distinguish N or F from NG ?Sometimes it is really hard to tell for
A:必須承認這類題真的不好答,但是我們可以嘗試排除法,先來判斷T or F,然后...
Obviously the first thing to do is check if something is true or false. The
first check should be to look for the 【天津 雅思班】 same words in the question as in the text,
then to see if that gives you the answer. Then look for similar words: for
example, if the question says "the building is red", look for words like
‘structure’, ‘wall’, ‘scarlet’, ‘ruby’ etc. in the text.
Q: 聽力考試中,我總是在抓芝麻丟西瓜, 到底怎么才能抓到重點信息啊?How to effectively capture the
key points in listening materials?
A: 其實有沒有發(fā)現(xiàn),聽力的題目中已經(jīng)告訴你需要著重關注的信息點在哪里,所以在聽之前的審題很重要...
One of the most important things to do is to focus on the questions. In
each test you will have time to read the question paper before you listen.
While you read, I would recommend writing suggestions in English or Chinese
as to what the answers might be. This could be like: "date" "地點". Listen for
these words during the test.